On returning to Hyperion, I have to wonder if the members feel like they are being overrun. Looking at the start times, I saw more than a few Wakondites. DH and I played from the yellow tees and had a grand old time -he shot 88, I took 90 -my best score in Des Moines despite three double bogeys and a few near pars and birdies. It's all about the putting. Here DH lines up on a dogleg right, fading the ball away from the trees to the left. The whole course is built into a hill that faces the south, and the sun sets about 10 minutes later than in the flatter parts of Des Moines. Being on a hill, many of the greens have confounding breaks, until you realize like on Wakonda #3, that the overall terrain (big hill) determines the break more than the shape of the green (which may look like it is pitched forward). Or as DH says, the break is toward the train tracks.
My current handicap is below (USGA card). I have made shots that Woods, Nicklaus, Palmer, Player, Hogan, Snead, and Jones would envy. These are currently outnumbered by the ones that challenge my faith in golf. These perfect moments are a glimpse of what may be. My faith in what may come keeps me a golfist. May your ball find the hole.
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